Dienstag, 16. November 2021

Polish "Kapo" serving the interests of the German government and the hypocrisy of the EU.
The glue that holds the European Union together: hypocrisy. When it serves to underline the role of supranational domination of the European Commission at the expense of the national sovereignties of the EU member countries, now reduced to very little, the discourse always focuses on the "moral and democratic values" that would be the essence of EU : nothing more false and hypocritical. The values that the bureaucrats and the other political puppets of Brussels defend are much more banally the interests of the dominant countries (Germany, France, Holland in particular) versus the dominated ones (all the Mediterranean countries and those of Eastern Europe and above all, the values accounted for by the European Central Bank and by all the banks and financial groups that revolve around the false EU.
Which in fact is not a union, given that when it comes to intervening in humanitarian catastrophe, the utmost selfishness and interests apply.
The same disgusting farce repeats every time when a new wave of refugees - fleeing their  countries, destroyed by the US wars of aggression (to which many European countries have cowardly associated themselves as accomplices and useful idiots) comes to the border of the EU , defended by barbed wire, a shame that closely resembles the infamous Berlin Wall.
In the current case at theh Polish border, there is a leap of quality in hypocrisy, something so evident that even an elementary school child would understand.
The "color revolution" attempted in Belarus against the dictator Lukashenko has failed, the protests have subsided, clearly a change of government along the lines of what happened in Ukraine has frightened even the most ardent opponents of Lukashenko.
Let’s come back to the EU as an institution and of the countries now directly involved: never had a more blatant hypocrisy been seen. The very Catholic Poland should at least remember that Jesus pardoned all other possible sinners, thieves, prostitutes, usurers etc., but not the hypocrits: instead of welcoming refugees, out of simple humanity, the Polish government has allocated 15,000 soldiers to keep the refugees prisoner in the icy woods on the border.
Doing this, they have fallen to the same level of immorality as the dictator Lukaschenko.
 But as  if shame were not enough, we see also low servility here:  it is known and declared that NONE of the refugees have the slightest intention of staying in Poland, they all want to obtain political asylum in Germany. So Poland is not even keeping the refugees from its territory: the Polish government acts at the order of Germany,  objectively carries out the task of "Kapo" in the service of Germany, whose government refuses to welcome further refugees.
 And it should be noted that this is not even the xenophobic arritude of the whole country: some German cities have already declared that they are ready to welcome some of the refugees: An example of this is an offer by the city of Munich to take in these refugees captured in no man's land. Munich's third mayor Verena Dietl had already submitted the offer to the federal government at the end of October and repeated this on November 10th: They were ready to "accommodate people who have fled quickly and unbureaucratically" and to grant them "access to regular asylum procedures ". Berlin ignores the willingness to accept and instead demands the immediate return of the refugees to their countries of origin. (https://www.german-foreign-policy.com/news/detail/8764/).
 It is not the first time unfortunately, that the Polish rulers have accommodated themselves with German political power, yet history should have taught them if not decency at least cunning. It happened in the  last century (1938, First Pact of Munich, in which Hitler was represented by Mussolini, and in which Poland and Germany as companions in crime both appropriated part of the territory of Czechoslovakia). It was an infamous pact drawn up in the absence of the Czechoslovakian government, confronted with a “fait accompli”, with the complicity of England and France. Poland had no luck with this immoral move, and the history taught to the poor Polish people a bitter lesson.
Now as then, it seems that in the face of the narrow national interest and unfortunately latent racism in a part of the Polish population (with laudable exceptions: I have seen images of cars of Polish volunteers who went to assist refugees, cars stoned and with tires cut by xenophobic Polish racists) the Polish government, whose democratic attitude is at least dubious according to the criteria of the EU itself, goes back to identifying itself as a supine servant of the Germanic diktat !!!
And  serving the EU it does not seem the best idea:  the sanctions imposed by the EU against Lukaschenko are proof of how carrion is this EU, which having failed in an attempt to destabilize also Belarus the same way  already criminally practised  against Ukraine, had decided to take revenge, obviously also to please as a perfect servant of the USA interests.
A story that repeats itself:  even the EU anti-Russian sanctions were imposed by the US, we have an irrefutable testimony of this, a public speech in which Biden, then Obama's vice president, boasted that he had forced the EU to join the sanctions.
Even clearer is the US contemptuous consideration of the EU, which became public domain with the revelation of a telephone exchange between diplomats: "Fu ... you EU". A well deserved  desplicable comment.
The tightening of sanctions against Belarus as well as being a sign of the EU's impotence, aim to exacerbate relations not only with Belarus but also with the Russian Federation: a self-harm that serves only the US interests of which the EU through the US occupation forces in Europe is the most vulgar and supine vassal.

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